Tracy Williams Therapy
Substance misuse and behavioural addictions therapy
“The roads to recovery are many” – Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Substance abuse, be it alcohol, cannabis, amphetamine, designer drugs, opiates, prescription drugs or behavioural addictions such as gaming, internet, gambling, or over committing on work can affect one’s life in blatant or subtle ways. Typically, addictions affect one’s ability to live according to one’s values – in essence, one’s integrity. The consequences of addiction can have emotional, social, physical, financial, occupational and legal consequences. Everyone has a unique way of rebuilding one’s life. Tracy’s approach will be individualised to your needs and values, and the direction you want to go in life. Her approach embraces the biopsychosocial model which may include the Minnesota 12 step programme, motivational interviewing, cognitive behaviour therapy, psychodynamic, and person centred therapy.
These services can be accessed in Edinburgh, more broadly in Scotland or online over video or telephone.